Sunday, October 7, 2007

I've just spent the morning scanning some pictures I discovered tucked away in a box under our bed and had the idea to try and gather all your memories. I would like to take on the daunting task of compiling them into a hard bound photo book, in chronological order of course, and publishing it through shutterfly, winkfish or some other online photo place so that you can order your own copy. (sorry I would love to buy everyone a book myself but Cameron's not a rich doctor yet, maybe if you would like to wait 10 years....) but in order to do this I need your help, because although I know it seems like I've been in the family forever, I don't have a single memory from any of these pictures. Not one. So unless you would like a book of just pictures I need to know what you remember about being a kid. Write it like you are writing to your own kids, like you want them to catch a glimpse of what it was like before you grew up, got fat and went bald.... ok so we're not there yet, but still you get the idea.

so this is what I'm envisioning. I will email a few pictures a week. If you have any information about the picture itself, like when or where it was taken let me know. Also I will need to get a general time frame for each memory. Even if it's as general as "I remember when we lived in Houston...." that's better then nothing and it will help me get things in order. Also if you have some pictures you would like to share feel free.